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About Our School

Netaji Subhas Public School came into existence in April 2004. It is a non-profit making philanthropic educational institution run by Educational Society & Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi.

A beautiful Academic Block equipped with modern sanitation and vast sports-complex has been setup at Chunaripara in Jiaganj (W.B.) with the aim of imparting modern scientific education keeping view of Indian culture and a Global Prospective.

  • House Systems
  • Seminer/Workshops
  • Counselling Centre
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • School Excursion
  • School Transport
Our ESTD 2004

The school is setup to foster creativity and cultivate positive attitude with an open-minded approach for 21st Century challenges and so enable them to stand for the ideals of the freedom and Independence, which constitute the core of working ethics of the institution in an uncompromising manner.

Our School Aims

The School aims to develop the inherent quality of the child so as to strengthen the young generation, desirable attributes of character like honesty, courage, self confidence, integrity and resourcefulness.

Our Students

Our students may have high aspirations and may be determined to achieve success in their careers and personal lives.Our students may have a variety of interests and talents outside of academics, such as sports, music, art, or community service.

Why Choose Our School

The decision to choose a school depends on the individual needs and priorities of the student.

Computer Education

Computer education can be taught at different levels, including primary, secondary, and higher education.

Skilled Lecturers

Our skilled lecturers are an essential part of a quality education. They are knowledgeable and experienced in their field.

Our Library

A library is an essential component of any educational institution. It provides students with access to a wide range of books, journals, articles.

Hostel Facilities

Hostel facility should provide students with a safe and comfortable living environment that supports their academic and personal growth.

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